Sustainable is Better Than Good: Achieving Sustainability for Business

Sustainability is founded on a primary and well-recognized factual premise: All that people need for life and well-being relies on the natural environment directly or indirectly. The atmosphere supplies the air we breathe, drinking water, and the food we consume. It’s hard for me to understand why companies and others today do not embrace sustainability, have no sustainable practice plan, or why they do not fight against sustainability.

There is so much to gain, and honestly, not so much to lose. It is a win-win from my point of view, no matter how you see it. Many businesses understand it now, but not a lot.

As the climate issue worsens, more businesses and consumers are making more ecologically responsible choices and adopting more sustainable practices. They are decreasing the quantity of trash they produce and, as a result, their total environmental effect. Some people use 100 percent renewable energy and use less water. On the other hand, some companies have been slower to react to the increasing problems such as climate change, which may have long-term consequences for public image.

The Benefits

Placing sustainable development at the center of strategic business strategies and achieving corporate sustainability goals provides many potential advantages, ranging from economic to ethical and beyond. Moreover, making sustainable efforts public may help a company’s market dominance as an ecologically aware business.

Many CEOs recognize the value of long-term projects, but not all companies are completely committed to improving in this area. Businesses that effectively reduce their environmental footprints via waste reduction reap the following benefits:

  • Obtaining cost savings—reducing resource use reduces pollution production, resulting in better economic efficiency. Cost savings may even be re-invested in further sustainability initiatives to increase an organization’s beneficial effect on the environment.
  • Increasing trustworthiness, respect, and strong brand increasingly evaluate businesses based on their corporate principles. According to Pew Research, almost six in ten Americans (62%) believe climate change impacts their local community. Planning to commit to minimizing the waste and being open about achievements helps develop credibility and trust-based relations with clients, partnerships, and workers.
  • Meeting customer needs—By adhering to sustainability, businesses may react to their corporate clients’ environmental qualifying requirements in their buying processes more rapidly. Furthermore, according to a recent Harris Poll poll, a majority (77%) of Americans prefer to buy from companies that emphasize efforts to combat global warming. This adds to the commercial argument for sustainability as a driver of consumer happiness.
  • Increasing market standards—Investing in sustainability initiatives assists companies in creating higher market standards, making it more difficult for rivals to justify unfair tactics or ecologically irresponsible manufacturing techniques. For example, if more paper producers offered Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-approved goods, it may encourage more rivals to seek certified, ethically produced materials.

Enhancing employee satisfaction and talent acquisition—Sustainability initiatives can and should engage workers and create a feeling of community. They can also help in talent acquisition. When two job opportunities pay the same, working for a business concerned about social and environmental problems, such as trash reduction, may be more appealing to many candidates, particularly young people.

a man presenting in a meeting

Organizations committed to openness in sustainability have a competitive advantage over rivals that do not adequately advertise their environmental initiatives. Here are three critical strategies for increasing environmental awareness:

  • Make effective use of the web—having a segment of a corporate website dedicated to sustainability, even including available for download reports and fact sheets with detailed data on company’s responsibility data, are efficient methods to digitally illustrate that safeguarding the biosphere is high on a company’s priority list.
  • Set precise goals—identifying specific purposes, such as a 20% decrease in average yearly paper waste over five years or formulate a good stormwater pollution prevention plan helps quantify and verify the sincerity of any commitment. These particular pledges may attract attention and enhance a brand’s image as a business committed to making a difference.
  • Exhibit your credentials—companies should proudly display certificates obtained as part of achieving sustainable goals. This may include LEED certification, which recognizes buildings and products dedicated to energy efficiency and renewable operations, or FSC certification. FSC certificates, in particular, represent the gold standard of achieving sustainability in the paper sector.

Meeting ambitious but attainable sustainability criteria, such as those developed by LEED, FSC, the United Nations, or the Science-Based Targets project, may validate a brand’s dedication to preserving the planet’s health. The economic argument for sustainability, however, extends beyond a brand’s image. As a result, a well-planned, comprehensive commitment to sustainability is more than simply an acceptable reaction to the increasing public demand for sustainability. In our rapidly warming world, it is a smart choice for any organization’s financial future.

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