Leading the Way: The Responsibilities of an Exceptional Leader

  • Leaders must take responsibility for their actions and set an example for their team.
  • Encourage innovation and creativity to foster growth.
  • Invest in developing team members by providing feedback, coaching, and training.
  • Cultivate a workplace culture of positivity, collaboration, and respect.
  • Successful leadership is achieved through taking responsibility, leading by example, and cultivating a positive environment.

Leadership is about having a title and the ability to positively influence and inspire others to achieve a common goal. Leadership is not innate but rather a set of practices that one must hone over time. There is no such thing as a perfect leader. Still, the hallmark of an exceptional one is their ability to take responsibility for their actions and foster a culture of accountability within their team. Here’s how leaders can take responsibility for their businesses and examples of big companies doing it today.

Leading by Example

employees doing high five

The best leaders are role models to their teams by embodying the values, ethics, and mindset to produce positive outcomes. They set the tone and pace for their team by setting high standards and being accountable for the consequences of their actions. The best way to inspire and motivate others is by modeling the behavior and attitude that aligns with your values. No one will be motivated to follow if you don’t set an example.


One great business that’s following this is SMRT. It’s a Singapore-based transportation company that has been in business for over 50 years. The company is committed to having a sustainable and responsible approach to business.

One way this is happening is through its leadership. Leadership is crucial when it comes to responsibilities. Leaders should advocate environmental sustainability and have implemented initiatives to reduce waste, emissions, and water usage. They should also encourage all employees to take responsibility for their actions and be accountable for the results. The SMRT Chairman leads employees and takes responsibility for his actions. Additionally, the chairman does his best to see eye-to-eye with his employees and works with them in the trenches if he needs to. This is a sign of taking responsibility, and because of this, he gains loyal employees in the company and increases the overall retention rate in the business. Moreover, it makes employees feel wanted and further inspired knowing that one of the company’s executives are working alongside them.

Encouraging Innovation And Creativity

Innovation and creativity are vital to organizational growth and success. As a leader, you encourage your team to explore new avenues, challenge the status quo, and seek bold solutions. Encourage open communication, active listening, and constructive feedback to create a culture of innovation that fosters creativity and promotes experimentation.


Google is an excellent example of this. The company encourages employees to take risks and push boundaries to develop new products and services. They have also implemented open-ended brainstorming sessions, innovative workshops, hackathons, and other initiatives that promote creativity. This has allowed Google to remain at the forefront of innovation and stay ahead of its competitors in the tech industry. The CEO himself promotes this creativity in their employees.

Developing Your Team

Leadership is not about power and control but about empowering and enabling your team to achieve their full potential. Investing time in developing your team by assessing their strengths and weaknesses and providing regular feedback, coaching, and training to help them improve and grow is essential. Provide them with challenging opportunities, mentorship, and guidance to help them take ownership of their professional development and encourage them to mentor and coach their peers.


Walmart released the One Global Walmart Academy to develop their employees worldwide. This academy provides employees with in-person and online training modules, teaching the fundamentals of retail operations, customer service, leadership, problem-solving skills, and people management. It also encourages team members to mentor and coach each other. This has created a culture that values development and growth for its employees, which ultimately fosters greater engagement within the company.

Cultivating a Positive Workplace Culture


The quality of the work environment has a direct impact on employee motivation, engagement, and productivity. As a leader, you must create a workplace culture that promotes positivity, collaboration, and respect. This can be achieved by fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity, promoting open communication, providing regular feedback, recognizing good performance, and promoting work-life balance.


LinkedIn is a successful example of this. The company has been known for its strong emphasis on workplace culture and employee engagement, creating an environment where employees feel respected and valued. They prioritize open communication and collaboration by implementing initiatives such as team lunches, brainstorming sessions, and feedback circles to ensure everyone feels heard and connected. Furthermore, LinkedIn provides its employees with ample opportunities to learn and grow, allowing them to take ownership of their professional development.

Leadership is an essential skill for any successful business. It’s not just about having a title but the ability to positively influence and inspire others toward achieving a common goal. You can create a motivated and engaged team by taking responsibility for your actions, leading by example, and cultivating a positive workplace culture. You can see how leaders implement these practices and create great results by looking at successful companies.

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