Promoting Businesses Online? Be Innovative About It

After consumers started shopping online during the pandemic, competition on the online marketplace increased as more businesses moved to the internet to connect with their customers. In this situation, companies have to work hard to reach their market.

They had to go beyond regular search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) strategies to increase their online presence. They had to look into using innovative ways to connect with their market online. Here are some ways for small businesses to accomplish this.

Set Up a Google My Business Account

Even though many businesses focus on selling their products online, some have maintained the physical locations of their stores to cater to in-store customers. To help customers find the physical store, businesses should set up a Google My Business (GMB) account.

Aside from increasing awareness about the physical store, the GMB account allows businesses to get reviews from their customers. The reviews enable businesses to demonstrate the quality of their products to potential customers, especially if a customer leaves a positive review.

The account also acts as a communication channel between the business and its customers. It allows companies to connect with their customers and promote other products and services it offers in the market.

Additionally, a GMB account increases the local SEO of the business and increases its online presence, especially if potential customers are close to the company’s physical location.

Leverage Hashtags

Hashtags have become an important component in digital marketing since it allows businesses to connect with their customers when they use hashtags relevant to the needs of their market. Companies should leverage hashtags to boost their brand identity online. But they should make sure to use them properly.

When businesses provide resources in the market, they should use specific hashtags that are relevant to the resources they are providing. They should also incorporate relevant hashtags on their social media profiles. Local businesses can also take advantage of location-based hashtags to connect with the local market.

Post Videos

These days, posting articles and images is not as effective as they were in the past. The short attention span of consumers in the market has made it challenging to connect with them. Due to this, businesses should start using videos in their marketing strategy.

A survey showed that around 86 percent of businesses had integrated videos into their digital marketing strategies. Video is a popular medium to connect with consumers. And recent developments in technology have made it easier to create videos using virtual production studios. These virtual studios offer tools that facilitate the creation of different backgrounds and settings, showing scenes from other parts of the world.

Aside from promoting their products and services, businesses should also post helpful videos that will pique the interest of their customers. They should ensure these helpful videos are relevant to their market to encourage customers to explore their website and buy their products. Businesses should consider creating videos that include product demonstrations, interviews of industry experts, and how-to videos.

business concept

Create Eye-catching Infographics

Aside from videos, businesses should also create eye-catching infographics on topics relevant to their market. Infographics provide information in an easy-to-digest format. Embedding referral links into an infographic allows companies to share it through their social media pages, encouraging their customers to share it with their family and friends.

To ensure they create appealing infographics, businesses should work with a reliable designer who has relevant experience in creating them. Free tools are also available for business owners who want to make the infographics they want to share.

But they should make sure to use images that are free for commercial use. Several websites offer these images. And businesses owners only have to look for suitable pictures that they want to use on their infographic.

Repurpose Old Content

Businesses with a notable online presence have a lot of old content that they can repurpose. For instance, information on old blog articles is suitable for making infographics. Businesses should also consider using previous infographic images to create videos.

Related blog posts or articles are also ideal materials for businesses to create an e-book that promotes their products and services. Companies should also consider using popular blog content for their email marketing strategy.

While creating new content is ideal, there are instances when businesses do not have the time or budget to create new content. Due to this, business owners should consider repurposing old content and making a new one using a different format.

The increasing number of businesses going online has made it challenging for businesses to reach their market. Due to this, they should use innovative methods in their digital marketing strategies.

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