Money Management: Being Financially Ready

Is there a time when you find yourself thinking about where your salary went? Speaking of wages, do you set aside a fraction of it for your savings and expenses? How do you manage to keep up with the increasing prices of commodities?

Anyone had times wherein they suddenly didn’t know how their money had gone. One of the reasons people face this struggle is because their budget is not well-allocated. Finding where most of your money goes should be easy if you know how to manage them properly.

It is not the amount of money you earn that determines your financial status; it is how you organize and plan for its uses.

Allocating Your Expenses

There is a common debate that to get financial freedom, you must have a lot of it. This statement is not true. All it takes is putting excellent money-handling into practice, and you’re well on your way towards financial independence.

If you want to make the most of your money, there are three fundamental areas that you should put your focus on. These include creating a budget, setting goals for your savings, and tackling your debts. So, whether you’re preparing for yourself or your whole family, you should consider these factors.

Creating a Budget

Making a budget and sticking to it are the first steps toward improved money management. This task would seem to be an easy endeavor, but you’d be shocked at how few people can do it.

If you find it difficult to pay all your monthly expenditures, a budget can keep you from spending more money than necessary. Consider your budget to be your road map to achieving your personal and financial objectives.


One of the most considerable fractions of your salary will go into this part. In what ways can you minimize your expenses when it comes to food consumption? The answer is by cooking and making your meal at home.

Dining out and ordering for take-out and delivery is costly because these businesses will charge you more for the food and services. Unlike when preparing food by yourself, you can carefully manage and control your spending. But, be careful in overstocking your pantry as raw ingredients are prone to spoiling.

Transportation and Other Allowances

Not all jobs give their employees transportation and other allowances. If you commute to and from your office, you should include it as a part of your daily expenses.

More so, additional expenses will come along. These include unexpected spending that you need to prepare ahead. Nonetheless, it is important to allocate enough in this area.

Monthly Bills


Being an adult means being responsible for your living expenses. It means you have to pay for your electric bills, water bills, internet connection fees, rent, and any other essential aspects necessary for living.

This responsibility should also be on top of your priority list. To prevent going into debt and getting disconnection notices, you must pay these bills on time.


Allocating money for investments is also a wise decision. It will help you make the most out of your salary in the long run. These are expenses that will hone your future.

Nowadays, starting a business is a must, especially because keeping a job might not be a permanent solution to financial freedom. Investing in various areas is a great strategy to help you gain more after a few years.

If you have a limited budget at hand, you can connect with existing businesses rather than starting your own. A burger restaurant franchise is much more affordable than other types of investments. Many successful companies start from small investments until they turn into a major break.

Emergency Fund

When unforeseen circumstances happen, you should have enough money to spend during these so-called emergencies. We never know when you will need this money, but it is good to have them as a source of funds. Having this money will assist you in avoiding debt, especially when life throws you a curveball.

But when should you break your emergency funds? Getting fired from your job, unexpected sickness, hospitalization, or any situation that calls for an immediate fund is an emergency.

Ideally, financial advisors suggest that your emergency fund must be equivalent to three times your current monthly salary. If you’re able to save this amount, you’ll be confident enough to face uncertainties.

Wrapping Up

Expanding your savings will become much simpler once you have a budget in place because then you will know how much spare funds you have to allocate for your goals.

Whether you opt to save for retirement, home improvements, education, or simply a well-deserved holiday, you’ll be able to put aside money. More so, have a timetable for achieving your objectives.

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