Effective Ways to Keep Your Salon Clients

Whether you specialize in makeup, hair, or hand and foot services, keeping salon clients should be your priority. Just like with other types of businesses, customer retention is the key to success. But with today’s customer standards and massive competition, it has become challenging for many salon owners to keep their clients or even attract new ones.

Here are ways to ensure that your customers will book an appointment from time to time:

  1. Train your staff well

The number one reason why clients keep coming back is great service. Apart from great skills in doing makeup, nails, or hair, your staff should know how to properly engage with clients. Are they accommodating with the clients’ requests? Do they have a friendly personality? If you can, attend training and development classes with your staff. They are the ones on the frontline facing new and existing clients, so it only makes sense to invest in them.

  1. Listen to your clients

One crucial factor of running a salon is understanding your clients’ beauty needs, interests, and lifestyles. This way, you can suggest the best treatments for them. Also, as much as you can, take note of the little things your customers say, whether about their family vacation or out-of-the-country trip. You can then bring them up on their next visit, making them feel like they’ve been listened to. Clients are most likely to come back to the stylist who pays attention to them.

  1. Provide amenities

Amenities don’t have to be grand. Providing little things that help your clients relax more will be much appreciated than you expect. You can offer small comforts such as drinks and snacks or Wi-Fi to keep your customers entertained and relaxed while waiting for their turn. You might also want to have comfy and stylish couches and pillows in the salon. This might not seem much, but it can make the customers love your salon more. Invest in your interior and amenities!

  1. Stay in contact

Staying in contact with clients is a great way to turn them into long-term customers of your business. You can send them a simple newsletter, reach out with interesting content, or share a video or blog about the new skincare or facial treatments and other pampering services. Unlike other businesses, salons rely on client relationships and not just on transactions. Don’t let your communication with clients get lost. Other ways to forge deeper connections with clients include running live hair tutorials or posting practical beauty tips on your Facebook or Instagram account.

  1. Have rewards programs

It’s not every day that your salon will be flooded with customers, which is why it’s better to provide incentives as well. This does not mean you need to start giving out massive freebies or promos. A $5 discount coupon can already stir some magic for your salon. You can also create a referral program to attract existing customers to book a new appointment and bring new ones. You can offer a joint pampering hair treatment or shared gift bags to encourage them to come back together.


  1. Share your salon’s story

Boost your personal connection with clients by showing them what your salon and team is all about. You can share profiles and exploits of your staff or your current activities or engagement with the team. Highlight the specific beauty services you’re passionate about. Do you love giving free hairstyles for seniors? Highlight that. Is your salon known for excellent wig-styling services? Share how your stylists can make that happen!

  1. Promote online

Another way to engage with existing clients and gain new ones is to give your salon a digital facelift. Work on your brand messaging and update your social media pages or website. This will give the clients more options to easily get in touch and see your current promos or new offers. Highlight your salon’s strongest traits to the public. You can post about great client feedback, improvements to your amenities, or updated service offerings with prices. Don’t forget to add calls to action on the site so that clients can easily book their next appointment.

Retaining existing customers or attracting new ones is no easy work. You and your team need to spend time and effort improving your clients’ salon experience and thinking of unique strategies that will separate you from competitors. Actively engage with your customers and change their salon experience for the better!

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