Dental Health for Professionals: 5 Things You Need To Know

Let’s talk about teeth. Teeth, along with the bones, are the hardest parts of the human body, so having a strong set of pearly whites is an indicator of good health. Young or old, we all have to take care of our dental health, but as office workers are more susceptible to health and dental issues, we’ll be zeroing in on how to avoid these issues as much as possible.

Just because you have a great dental plan doesn’t mean you can ignore your teeth. And not everyone has access to affordable dental care. Oral care is important, and despite how advanced modern dentistry has gotten, we have to pay attention to the basics of taking care of our teeth. Some of these things are often overlooked as we focus on our work, so we’ve listed some tips to remind you.

1. Keep yourself hydrated

Office workers aren’t exactly the healthiest bunch. They spend at least 8 hours sitting at their desks and drink copious amounts of coffee and energy drinks. Some of them may suffer from dry mouth, a condition where your mouth doesn’t provide as much saliva as the usual amount, leading to dental problems like cavities and infections. Saliva acts as a protective barrier for the teeth and maintains the mineral and pH levels inside the mouth, so not having enough can be detrimental.

Drinking a good amount of water can keep dry mouth at bay, along with boosting your skin and digestive system. If you have a habit of smoking or sucking on lollipops, drinking water can help saliva production, as these activities reduce its flow. Eight glasses of water a day is highly recommended. If dry mouth persists despite proper hydration, talk to your dentist immediately.

2. Get your teeth cleaned

Regular visits to the dentist help, but to ensure that your teeth remain strong and healthy as you progress in your career, getting oral prophylaxis twice a year is the way to go. Doing so is like giving your mouth a much-needed detox. This will also help your dentist spot some potential oral issues before they get worse. Don’t wait until things get bad to get your teeth cleaned.

Oral prophylaxis helps remove plaque and tartar buildup in our teeth. While brushing and flossing keeps them clean daily, there will always be spots we can’t see and reach, so it’s better to err on the side of safety.

3. Eat healthier food

We always hear dentists say this, but why? It’s because sugar dissolves the teeth’s enamel layer, which can lead to cavities developing. Starch, on the other hand, aids the formation of dental plaque, which causes gum disease. Cutting back on both can help you avoid dry mouth and other dental issues as you grow older.

Avoiding food sweetened with aspartame and other artificial sweeteners will help your dental health and your health in general. These forms of sweeteners have been linked to diseases like diabetes, heart failure, and hypertension, so steer clear of them.

toothbrush with toothpaste

4. Swap out your toothpaste

That sudden ache you feel when you drink coffee that’s a little too hot or eat a spoonful of ice cream? That means your gums have receded. As we grow older, gums tend to recede and lead to sensitive teeth or worse, gum disease. Teeth become sensitive once gums recede because the gums protect the root of the teeth and not the enamel. Poor dental hygiene and caffeine consumption don’t help as well.

When this happens, it would be wise to get a toothpaste with a formula specified to protect sensitive teeth. This will help reduce discomfort as well as protect your teeth. Have your teeth checked when you ask so you can get a dentist’s opinion about which brand is better for your teeth.

5. Ask your doctor about your medication

Some older workers have preexisting conditions, which means they have prescription medications that consist of more than one or two pills to be taken regularly. Some of these medications can cause dry mouth and other oral health issues the longer they are taken. Make it a point to ask your doctor and dentist about these side effects, more so if your prescription changes or is updated with new medications.

For instance, hypertension drugs often curb saliva production, as well as antidepressants. Some antidepressants affect saliva flow because they slow down neural cell reaction, so don’t just trust the Internet when in doubt. Ask a health practitioner.

A final word

Just because we’re too busy doesn’t mean our teeth deserve less care. Our teeth are tough, but they need constant and careful maintenance if we want to rock a great smile even in our sunset years. We hope you keep these five tips in mind and practice good oral hygiene even if you spend your days in the office.

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