Artists and Media-savvy People! Here Are Business Ideas You Can Start at Home

Being savvy with online media and the arts can be beneficial now that there’s a pandemic. Even if you’re at home, you can still make use of your time creating art, online and in print. The best part about it, though, and more appropriate to the current situation, is that you can earn from it.

Starting a small home business today is easy and cheap. All you need is a laptop, an internet connection, and an idea for a business. So what to pursue? Here are ideas that you can choose from as a start.

Online Reseller

Online reselling might not be about arts and media, but starting an online reselling store can be good for you if you like fashion. You can build an online store selling clothes you love or clothes only from specific brands you love.

If you want to run an environment-friendly eco-business, start an online pre-loved clothing store. Take sustainability to another level by using eco-friendly packaging materials when you ship your products.

Graphic Design Artist

Graphic designers can create digital artwork often used in websites and ads. You can sell your art online, offer your services to other small home businesses, or work on gig websites. Depending on your portfolio, you can earn between $15 to $300 per hour. This business is perfect for college students, stay-at-home parents, and anybody looking for an extra income.

But if you’ve established an online reputation, you can offer your exclusive services to just one company or start your own website where people can buy your art.

If you want to diversify your source of income, you can also offer your artwork and services in print. Advertising and marketing companies are always looking for graphic designers who can create their marketing materials.

WordPress Themes Designer

Some websites sell WordPress themes. If you have a knack for creating them, try selling yours on those websites. You can post your designs and leave them for everybody to see. When someone likes your design, they will buy it, which will work as a passive income for you.

T-shirt Printing Business

Like being a graphic designer, you can create designs for t-shirts and start a website to sell them. You can also add other clothing to your line to make it more profitable.

When starting a t-shirt printing business, though, you have to prepare some necessary tools and materials. You’ll need fabric paint, a printing screen, and a work table if you’re old-school. If you want to try out new methods today, you’ll need vinyl, a heat press, and Teflon sheets.

Purchase everything from a vinyl store that sells everything so that you don’t have to go anywhere else. This will also help foster good B2B (business-to-business) relationships which can be helpful for your business in the long run.

Remember, use only the best materials to provide your customer with high-quality products to make them return for more.

Handmade Goods

If you like crafting, you sell your homemade work online. Start on craft websites such as Etsy and Pinterest. You can also sell your work on social media.

When you’ve gained footing and a following, you can build your own web store. In fact, according to Etsy, some of their success stories are now big brands of their own. Names like Mighty Vintage (US), BigStuffed (France), and Vice Velvet (Australia) all started in Etsy and are now popular brands in their home countries.



Blogging is not exclusive to writers. Anyone who wants to send their message to the world can start a blog. The number of readers you’ll gain depends on the topic and tone of your blog, which ultimately depends on your target audience. Make sure to apply SEO techniques and provide quality content. But enough of the technical side first.

For now, start your own blog using a platform that will suit your needs. Use social media to promote your blog and grow your audience.

Digital Products

You can sell digital products or become a reseller. Online courses, music, videos, online presentations, and eBooks are all considered digital products. If you’re an expert in a particular topic, you can create digital products out of your knowledge and sell this to people. According to e-commerce giant Shopify, this is called productizing your talents.

Choose an Idea that You’re Passionate About

There are many other home business ideas for the artist in you: antique refurbishment, self-publishing, social media manager, content writer, podcasting, and so much more. The key to success here is focusing on a business that you’re passionate about. Businesses anyway require lots of time and effort to really take off.

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