A Plea to the Universe: On Building an Anti-Bucket List

Most people have thought of all the things they want to do in life. It could be career aspirations, personal fulfillment, or close-to-impossible things. These things comprise the bucket list, and it’s supposed to make life memorable and meaningful. In the bucket list are photograph-worthy moments that we tell to our grandchildren. It’s precious and no one can take it away from anyone.

Its opposite, though, rarely sees the light of day. If you were to make an anti-bucket list what would it be? If you’re considering making one, here are a few things that could help you:

1. Think about your fears

Fear can sometimes be a reason you wouldn’t want these bad things to happen to you. If you’re afraid of large bodies of water, you wouldn’t want a ship you’re boarding to sink. If you’re scared of ghosts, you would never want to have a supernatural encounter.

2. Think about money matters

Aside from natural occurrences, money can be a major problem. According to a survey, employees cite financial matters as a major source of stress rather than personal problems. When one comes to think of it, basic needs can be taken away by this problem among many things.

3. Think about life in general

Nobody can stress this enough: life is unfair. Not only do people have to think about finances and phobias but also relationships, social life, health, and well-being. It’s these problems that occur in one’s personal life that affects other areas of their life.

Why make an anti-bucket list?

successful manIt’s uncommon for people to list down the things they don’t want to happen. It’s prevalent to think of the worst-case scenario and to swear on one’s life to prevent horrifying things to happen. However, the anti-bucket list is so much better repressed to avoid “catastrophizing” or the act of always thinking of the things to hit the fan.

Instead of making a plain list, an anti-bucket list would do better with little footnotes of how to prepare for the worst. As some experts would suggest, the best ways to overcome adversity are through active optimism and self-efficacy. When one believes that they can overcome anything, they can act appropriately to benefit themselves and other people in a rather unpleasant situation.

For example, if you’re scared of taking the leap of buying a house because of unprecedented scenarios, consult a reputable mortgage broker, find the best rates and the appropriate loan for your financial capacity. If you’re going through a heartbreak, know for yourself that you can bounce back and regain control.

Most of all, do what works best for you. Like the bucket list, the anti-bucket list does not work for everyone. Consider rationalizing the situation, in case you find yourself catastrophizing. Sometimes, when something doesn’t go as planned, unpleasant things don’t always result from it. At times, it brings unexpected outcomes that can lead you to tick-off an entry on the bucket list.

With a list or not, preparing for unprecedented events is a must. Making the list is like a shot in the dark, a prayer, or a plea to the universe to not make it happen.

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