Understanding the State and Trends of Marketing in 2021

Marketing tactics evolve. As technology improves and societal norms change, marketing and advertisement will adjust to these changes. 2021 is another year deeper into the second decade of the 21st century, and the world is seeing drastic changes that are a far cry from what we’ve seen before.

This rings especially true in the marketing industry, where the changes have had significant effects. Not less than twenty years ago, digital marketing was but a very tiny niche, yet now it’s the leading form of advertisement. Let’s take a look at other ways marketing has changed in 2021

Selling on Social Media

Most social media websites now have dedicated store functions, removing the need for a separate online shopping platform. This allows users to make purchases directly on their social media account without logging out and using an entirely different shopping app.

This simple addition to a user’s social media experience changes many things for both the user and the marketer. For one, it provides marketers the opportunity to show their products organically in interested client’s news feeds. Second, it feeds directly into interested individual’s accounts, increasing the conversion rates. Facebook and Instagram are among the first ones to integrate this change, but perhaps we can expect to see more social media sites follow suit soon.

Casual and Conversational

If one compares the differences between 21st-century and 20th-century marketing, tone and language are some of the most significant differences (besides medium, of course). And it’s not just because of the evolution of language. The marketing industry has taken on a tonal shift in communication, eschewing the more formal way of public speaking for a more personable and digestible casual tone of speech.

With how personal and tailored the user experience is today, many prefer talking to a “warmer” voice. Tech giants like Facebook and Google, and even popular grocery chains and foodservice companies have primarily adopted a casual tone of speech to connect better with their segment.

Of course, this largely still depends on a brand’s image and target market. But the overwhelming majority of both brands and audiences prefer a casual tone for maximum coherence and comprehensibility.

vlogger using cosmetic products

Niche Influencer Marketing

Celebrity endorsements are by no means a new concept, but influencer marketing takes the idea and positions it interestingly. Smaller-scale or subculture-specific celebrities, often called micro-influencers, leverage their reach and fanbase to market relevant services or products.

Tech influencers like Linus Tech Tips or even niche-community influencers like Brandon Salt or Daniel Ilabaca can influence thousands of their followers into making purchasing decisions. Especially in the pandemic, with most people forced to stay inside their homes, social media use has seen a significant increase, increasing the value of many influencers.

Video Marketing Is Back

A few years ago, video marketing was king. However, as subscription models allowed for an ad-free experience for a small fee, in-video integration or viral content became the more preferred model.

While video marketing was never exactly gone, it’s experiencing a resurgence in recent times thanks to ad players for publishers and other similar in-website video ads. This helps businesses showcase their services and products, with companies reporting conversion rates of up to 80%.

Research has shown that many end users are more likely to be convinced after watching a video explanation about a service or a product, something video marketing is particularly good at. The very nature of video marketing also makes it appealing to mobile users, which is critical in this era of mobile-centric user experience.

Geofencing and Area Restrictions

Traditional marketing has the benefit of being inherently able to localize marketing efforts. If a business is located on a specific street, ad materials can be spread out in surrounding areas. During the advent of the internet, doing this was rather tricky. Tracking and global positioning technology was still relatively young and were highly inaccurate.

Fortunately, modern technology allows for precise location traction, opening the doors for geofencing. This fast-growing market allows for real-time targeting of user’s areas. Think of a place where their mobile device is located. This is registered on the system, and location-appropriate data will be sent to their device. This allows both customers and clients to discover nearby and local businesses to connect directly to a willing segment.

The changes in marketing we’ve seen so far are but the start. As technology and society evolve, so will the trends in design and marketing. The vital key here is that marketers can analyze and adjust their strategies. This way, they can continue to reach out to the right audience.

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